D. Group Reflection

Abortion is really a difficult and sensitive matter to tackle, it requires deeper research and open-mindedness to understand the issues raise whether it be in religion or science. As students, we can only base our judgment on what our reason, beliefs and principles would tell us.
After a though rough discussion on our group, we came to a conclusion that abortion is a murder, a crime on its own context. Under the Revised Penal Code (Act No. 3815, Articles 256-257) enacted in 1930, abortion is prohibited in all its forms, with punishment of up to 20 years imprisonment  of up to 20 years imprisonment. According to the Roman Catholic, abortion is a sin since it violates God’s 5th Commandment “Thou shall not kill.” And according to the Code of Canon Law, abortion yields latae sententiae, or automatic excommunication to any Catholic who engages in the procedure, including the medical attendants. Direct abortion is gravely contrary to the moral law. However, like other laws that are promulgated in our country and in the church, there are also exemptions that should also be accepted to satisfy some conditions that is in conflict with the rule itself. Likewise, Section 12, Article II of the Constitution states: “[The State] should protect the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from conception.” Regarding the said statement we reason that in some circumstances like some unavoidable medical problems that involve the dilemma on choosing between the mother and the child, we can permit abortion on some of this selected especial cases.
Our conclusion that we can give exemption to these cases is also in accordance with thePrinciple of Double Effect. A principle developed to deal with cases in which there is a conflict of values, ad in which one and the same action seems to be permissible (or even required) from one point of view, and forbidden from another (Dwyer 87:153) St. Thomas Aquinas as initiator of the principle (Aquinas I-II:64, a7). This means that things may affect human acts in the essential qualities of knowledge, freedom, voluntariness, and so, make them less. This statement also explains the morality of abortion on the said cases.

Other reasons of abortion besides the given exemption is prohibited and immoral. Even in cases of rape and incest, abortion is still not justifiable. The fetus has the right to be born and live and it is not just and humane to make the fetus pay for the way he/she is being formed or conceived. The baby don’t have anything to do with it and it isn’t his/her sin to carry or pay. As the saying goes that a mistake cannot be corrected by another mistake.

On the issue of the risks that pregnancy gives to women, we say that family planning or use of contraceptives could solve the problem. We reason that if you know that it would be a risk for your health to become pregnant again, why don’t you just avoid it in the first place. Prevention is better that Cure. It’s just a matter of responsible parenthood and planning.

In the end, our goal is to promote life. We should save life and avoid abortion as possible.